What is VPN Tunnelling and How Does it Work? A Comprehensive Guide!

vpn tunnelling

The digital world is a happening place! However, there is one consequential complication: no one can ascertain your online safety at all times. This brings us to an obligatory question: how can you secure your online privacy and security?

VPN tunnelling is the model solution you seek. But what precisely does it entail, and what mechanics govern its operation? This extensive blog aims to expound on the concept of safe VPN tunnelling, delineating its operational intricacies and discerning the preeminent provider amidst the competitive landscape.

This article will help you navigate VPN tunnelling with confidence. Read on to explore everything you require for VPN tunnelling for online safety and privacy.

What is VPN Tunnelling and How Does It Function?

VPN tunnelling establishes an encrypted conduit between your device and a remote server administered by a VPN provider. Essentially, all of your internet traffic is collected and zipped through this secure tunnel. To anyone lurking, your data will appear like a bunch of random code. Consequently, neither your ISP nor any other entity can surveil your online actions or scrutinize the files you download.

But virtual private network tunnelling does more than that; it also masks your true location and IP address. Your online activity will seem to originate from a completely other location when you use a virtual private network (VPN). Sneaky, right?

This cloaking ability is why VPN tunnels are so useful for accessing geo-restricted content, keeping your browsing habits private from advertisers and snoops, and adding an extra layer of security on public Wi-Fi networks. As long as that tunnel is active and encrypted, your data streams stay confidential no matter where you connect from.

VPN tunnelling encrypts internet communication with complex protocols. You don’t need cryptographic skills to utilise it! Most VPN programs handle the technicalities while you surf, stream, and browse privately. 

Types of VPN Tunnelling Protocols: Cracking the Encryption Code  

There are a number of encryption methods under VPN Tunnelling, but not all of them work the same way. When it comes to virtualisation, different protocols offer different degrees of safety and speed. So which one’s right for you? Let’s find out some of the common VPN tunnel types.

PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) 

The oldie but goodie – PPTP has been around since the 90s Windows 95 era. This makes it widely compatible but also one of the least secure options out there these days. Think of it as encryption lite.


This dynamic duo packs a stronger punch than PPTP alone. L2TP handles the tunnelling aspect while IPSec layers on heavy-duty encryption. More secure but can be a tad sluggish.


The reigning king of the VPN Tunnelling! OpenVPN pairs tough-as-nails encryption with fast speeds and lots of customisation perks. It’s an open-source favourite among experts and beginners alike.


This mobile-friendly maverick automatically reconnects if your VPN drops, keeping your tunnel steady and encrypted. It’s becoming a popular pick for streaming and downloading on the go.


This new protocol is causing a buzz with its lightning-fast speeds and state-of-the-art cryptography. But it’s still pretty fresh on the scene, so only the hippest VPN providers have adopted it.

Of course, this security smorgasbord is just the tip of the iceberg! VPN tunnelling strengthens from constantly evolving encryption methods designed to keep your data under digital lockdown. No matter which protocol you pick, just ensure it gives you the right mix of privacy and performance to fit your needs.

Tunnel Vision: Is NordVPN the Best VPN Gateway?

vpn tunnelling

vpn tunnelling

NordVPN provides users with a secure and private connection through an encrypted virtual tunnel. This VPN service claims to offer a large network of servers across the globe that can conceal your actual IP address and online identity. However, it’s important to evaluate if NordVPN truly stands out among the many VPN providers.

One of its selling features is its capacity to route your internet traffic via an encrypted tunnel. When connected to a NordVPN server, your IP address is masked with one from their server’s location. The service protects your data security and online privacy from potential attacks by using strong encryption technologies.

Additionally, NordVPN has speciality servers designed to enhance user anonymity further. Customers can leverage “Onion Over VPN” servers that combine VPN encryption with Tor network obfuscation.

While NordVPN offers notable features, it is not without some criticisms. Some users report experiencing reduced internet speeds when using the service, while others desire an even larger global server network.

Ultimately, whether NordVPN is the ideal VPN choice depends on your specific needs and priorities. Carefully research and compare reviews to determine if NordVPN’s capabilities align with your online privacy and security requirements. As with any VPN, prioritising safety and protecting your digital privacy should be paramount.


NordVPN could be your cybersecurity sidekick. This virtual cloak might just be the privacy protector you need. But don’t take our word for it – every online explorer has different needs!

Will you dare to venture into NordVPN’s encrypted space? Or will you seek out another VPN tunnelling to guard your internet adventures? No matter which path you choose, remember: safety first. The world wide web can be a wild, wild place.

Keep exploring, keep learning, and keep those digital footprints hidden from prying eyes. Who knows? You might just stumble upon the perfect VPN passage for your online shenanigans.

For more such tech updates, visit Whogal!


What is VPN tunneling?
VPN tunnelling wraps and encrypts IP packets before transmitting them between client and server. A secure, private “tunnel” over the public internet protects your data and traffic. 
How many tunnels are there in the VPN?
Your device and the VPN server usually share one VPN tunnel. Some VPN services feature split tunnelling, which lets you choose which apps/websites use the encrypted VPN tunnel and which use your regular internet connection.
What is a safe tunnel VPN?
A secure VPN tunnel does not log user data or traffic and uses AES-256 encryption together with an updated security protocol such as OpenVPN or WireGuard.